
Mac terminal vim line numbers
Mac terminal vim line numbers

mac terminal vim line numbers mac terminal vim line numbers mac terminal vim line numbers

It frequently, you might designate a preferred register such as Wrapped into a mapping: :vnoremap :redir numberredir ENDĪssuming you always want to trump the same register. To pull the numbered lines into register "a". Now select your text and enter :Yank, which will copy the range to the +-register (which should correspond to your system's clipboard, if your Vim was compiled with clipboard functionality ( :help should output +clipboard, instead of -clipboard). Something like this should work: fu! s:yank_number(first, last) undoĬreate your own command to take care of copying the desired You obviously want to undo this replace after copying using e.g. This can be done by visually selecting the lines, and using the following substitute command: :s/^/\=printf("%2d ", line('.'))/ Replace each line by its line number plus its content, so you can copy it with the line number. Use the TOhtml command to let Vim generate an HTML file, which includes the line numbers, and then copy and paste from that file.

Mac terminal vim line numbers